At Clyburn Consulting
our outreach begins within.
Many of Clyburn Consulting’s corporate strategy successes stem from our company’s commitment to community outreach. Decision-makers and corporations as well as consumers want to be involved with improving our communities. Our expanding network and consistently effective win/win approaches are vibrant examples of the old adage, “You can do well by doing good.
STEM Education

Many corporations, professional associations, and school districts recognize the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education – and so do we at Clyburn Consulting. We have been and are committed to continuing to be involved in community STEM mentoring initiatives.
STEM education enhances children’s understanding of the world around them and helps them develop critical problem-solving skills. Preparing these children with STEM will equip our future workforce to be fully engaged in emerging markets, while increasing our nation’s global competitiveness.
“We’ve got to make sure that young people like you are going to keep on having what you need to discover and experiment and to innovate.” President Obama at the White House Science Fair, March 23, 2015.
December 9, 2015

Principal William Clyburn after discussing STEM outreach with NASA Administrator, Maj. Gen. Charles Frank Bolden, Jr., (USMC-Ret.)
Financial Literacy

Business entities, employers, school counselors, and mentors understand the need for financial literacy for young students as well as adults, for young professionals as well as seasoned employees. Statistics from numerous organizations including Jump$tart, Junior Achievement, and the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability all underscore the value of a coordinated effort to ensure people save, invest, and are financially literate and financially healthy — having financial security even during uncertain economic times. We are actively involved in this effort.
“Today's consumers, however, must be able to differentiate between a wide range of products, services, and providers of financial products to successfully manage their personal finances.” Alan Greenspan, former Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.